Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Planning & Support

Restore your health & start a weight loss journey with a balanced health plan.

When Weight Loss Surgeries Fail, There’s Still Hope

Failed bariatric surgeries have a deeper root cause than poor nutritional plans or lack of willpower. When dealing with the aftermath of a failed weight loss surgery, it can be easy to fall into emotionally unhealthy lifestyle patterns. We understand that at Dr. Ladybabe!

We use a functional nutrition approach, which is the practice of considering every aspect of one’s health, diet, and overall lifestyle and designing a nutrition plan based on individual recommendations.

A Multi-System Approach to Weight Loss that Works

At Dr. Ladybabe, we see functional nutrition as part of a multi-system approach to healthcare. Our unique protocols address the big picture of health by restoring the physiological functioning of organs and tissues while managing blood sugar and creating the optional metabolic conditions inside the body for you to express and maintain your perfect weight!

Start with a Consultation

Using Functional Nutrition Diagnostics to Help Your Weight Loss Journey

With functional nutrition, “symptoms” are seen as clues for diagnosing your primary health problems, whether they are related to diet, illnesses, medications, lifestyle factors, exposure to toxins, antibiotic use, or other factors. Traditional, standard healthcare suppresses “symptoms” with medication or surgery. Functional nutrition uses “symptoms” as clues to understand the body's underlying issues. By considering the impact of seemingly unrelated factors on your health, our team utilizes a holistic health approach that takes every aspect of your health into consideration.

Let's Get Started

Are You Still Struggling After Failed Weight Loss Attempts?

Let the Dr. Ladybabe team help you make the positive adjustments you need to get back on track. We can help change your daily routines and introduce a functional nutrition plan and offer the emotional support system you need.

Our Limited-time Offer for You

$500 Initial Consultation with Our Health Coach

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