Metabolic Restorative Programs

Metabolism restoration and fat burning alternatives post weight loss surgery.

Helping You Understand Your Metabolism & Health

The massive amount of information that we’ve been exposed to when it comes to weight loss and maintaining health can be astounding and overwhelming! The moment you begin to understand the effect that food has on your metabolism will be the turning point for you to implement behaviors that will change and transform your life.

At Dr. Ladybabe we understand that everyone’s wellness journey back to health is unique. We develop custom metabolic restorative programs to guide and help our clients achieve their weight loss goals.

“Sugar” Burner Bodies vs “Fat” Burner Bodies

To re-regulate insulin sensitivity and restore the metabolism involves shifting from a sugar burning body to a fat-burning body. A fat-burning body burns fat for energy instead of relying heavily on glucose and carbs! At Dr. Ladybabe, our metabolic restorative approach provides a complete diet and lifestyle plan to guide you through this process in a way that empowers clients and achieves results!

Complete Restorative Metabolic Planning & Support

Poor diet, nutrition, and unhealthy weight-loss strategies, especially after failed bariatric procedures, can result in dysfunctional metabolism. Your metabolism can slow down and take a toll on your health, both physically and mentally. At Dr. Ladybabe we offer the compassion, knowledge, coaching, and experience you need to get your weight loss goals back on track.

Start with a Consultation

We can help you achieve the body you’ve always wanted in a healthy and holistic way. All-natural, all you

Start the Right Metabolic Restorative Program with Dr. Ladybabe

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$500 Initial Consultation with Our Health Coach

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